Friday, July 3, 2009

Dog Gone, doggonit!

Last month, we lost our dear Tipper. On June 1st, at the age of 15 1/2 she went to puppy heaven to join our other dog, Tassie. If you had told me before it happened, that over a period of twenty-five years we would have had only two dogs, I would had thought you were silly. Farm dogs, after all, and larger breeds, (the only kind of dog I was familiar with), don't live longs lives. So, the fact that both these two girls managed to stick with us for 15+ years (each) is a mystery to me. When we told the neighbors about our loss, one of them commented that knowing how everyone in our house gets the royal treatment, he wouldn't have minded being our dog for 15 years!

Anyway, the dog is gone; and on various occasions, I actually slip and think that I hear her tags jingle, or glimpse a sight of doggie movement out of my side vision. Would you call that doglucination, or flat out canine separation complex? Why does it seem that everywhere we turn, someone has the cutest damn dog you ever saw? Is this the way that man, humans ended up with pets in the first place?

It will be a while before we go there again...opening our hearts up to a pet that can so utterly consume our love; but when we do, we probably won't see it coming!

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