Wednesday, July 29, 2009


How long after your dog goes to Doggie Heaven does it take for you to realize that the little munchkin is not there to clean up the occasional food mishap. We always exclaimed, "Whoops!", every time we dropped a morsel on the floor to let the dog know there was a tidbit there for her. I am still "Woopsing", but have to go back and clean up the mess. The first week after Tip's flight, the kitchen floor looked like hell, and the squirrels thought that I had come around to the idea of artificially feeding wild animals.

Get it may take a while. I found one of her toys in my by-the-back-door-garden-crap-I-won't-leave-out-in-case-a-great-big-spider-takes-up-residence-and-tries-to-attack-me basket.

Anyway, I can see why dogs were so handy during the Dark ages.

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