Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to the Salt Mines

What a frickindoubletastic time I had not being at work for a few days. The usual blast furnace weather turned mild, and I was able to do things around the humble abode and work on much delayed projects for my family. Nothing, but nothing gets the day going as hearing your husband sledgehammer tile out of a bathroom. Before you know it, maybe in a year or two, I will have cleared away the layer of mastic dust on the horizontal surfaces in the house.

I guess that's the price you pay for marrying a jock--a lot of activity, but not much prior planning. Before you know it, maybe before my youngest graduates from university, I will have new floors. Sounds like two reasons for a party. Anyway, we have the "big one" coming up this weekend and next, so we will grab a little peace and quiet before the storm. Will take an extra large double strength garbage bag this weekend in case Grandma gets out of hand, or gets into a tangle with a local at the park. Thank DOG the dancing festival is over. I can just see her waltzing and tripping her partner with her four-prong cane.

We will enjoying rekindling our relationships with family members, and happy that they are safe and well, and hope that this doesn't happen for another 25 years. Peace and Love. Don't let Uncle ____ pinch your hiney or slip you tongue.

Friday, August 21, 2009

We Be Jammin

I think I am all jammed out. The strawberry, apricot, blackberry, and blueberry are all put up, and it will be a while before quince are ripe. Breakfast the last few days has been cheddar and manchego, and apricot jam on a toasted sour batard. The only thing better would be for me to make brioche. I have enough Mt. Tam, Point Reyes Blue, and pate in the fridge to weather a major storm, but it looks like it's going to be a typical August weekend.

Guess I will just have to tough it out.

Olefactory Reality

I was sitting on the sofa enjoying a little down time. Suddenly, I had the greatest urge to fart. Bllllllllp! "Whew, I thought, that's not going to be nice." Then immediately, "What the hell. Was this the best come-to-Dog realization that I would have in my lifetime? When has a fart been "nice'". I mentioned my realization to my husband. "I guess some are worse than others," he said. "Yeah, but when is a fart ever nice?" I asked. "Get my point? Yours can peel the paint off the wall. They should sell the stuff to the military, and we can bring everyone home from the Middle East!"

With that, we laughed--a lot. Can you imagine if the kids were home? They would be wondering what was so freaking funny, and once they learned it was Bathroom Humor, would probably call up to get us both assessed and signed up for the Old (Farts!) Home.

Later that evening in bed, my husband pre pre-warned me, (he normally says "oh oh"); but this time he said, "This is going to be bad, very bad." "Thanks", I said. "Yeah," he said, "It makes the one this morning almost 'nice'."

I could have slugged him, but I was running to put on the ceiling fan.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dryer Gremlin

Sometimes life hands you things to deal with, and the experience is like taking things out of the dryer. You swore you didn't turn those pants inside out; but there they are, and you imagine the little dryer gremlin who steals just one sock, tumbling around with your clothes, grabbing at the pants legs, and grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Enough of this Life-Is-Like-A-Box-Of-Chocolates crapola. It is never that sweet or sublime. Just about the time that you think you get it all figured out-wham, here comes the inside-out-back-to-front thing complete with bellybutton fuzz. Life is more like the first few stanzas of a Charles Ives composition--just before you can make out the tune--the discord and imblalance makes you just a little bit nuts!

I think that I would like to go a whole week with everyone wearing their clothes just the way they come out of the dryer. The mere act would unpomp the pompous, humble the haughty, and add a touch of human interest to us all.

For example, knowing that (fill in the blank) was wearing his briefs insideout (if he doesn't go commando), might give us all something to smile about.

The Results Are In

It has been a roller-coaster week, but it seems that my efforts are paying off. My tweeting/Facebook girl and I have spent some major time together; and the best news is that, she PASSED! She didn't tell me, but she took my advise. And.... she is getting this whole "why do you say this doesn't make any sense" thing, because she brought the same thing to me that I gave back to her months ago with the comment, "I know you think that I am just being picky, but this just doesn't make any sense". She took a big breath and said, "You know, this just doesn't make any sense now."

Hallelujah, sweet mother of pearl! Pass the truffles and wine. I think that we are making progress! I smiled. Unfortunately, I still really really hate my job. I guess every cloud has a silver lining coupled with a lightning bolt that will smack the crap out of you.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Moving Forward

The young woman waddled to the edge of the pool steps, gingerly felt her way down the stairs, and sat heavily at the edge of the pool. Her advanced "mommyness" showed in her mannerism and careful grace. "Go on in", I said. "The weightlessness will be heaven". "If I go in, I might not come out!" she laughed.

After bobbing around a while in the pool, dodging laughing and splashing children, she resigned herself to getting out and pulled herself up the stairs to her waiting husband. He swaddled her in a beach towel and gently kissed her nose.

Talking to her later, I was eager to ask, "I thought you didn't want children. I thought you said that you had so many things that you wanted to do before you even thought about them." She turned to me, smiled, and with all the wisdom that comes to reckoning with what means the most said, "I realized that without my own children in my life, all I will ever be is my parent's child. I want to be so much more during my life. I can have a 'career' later, but love and children can't wait."

Looking aroung the garden and seeing my own husband, sons, and grandsons, I understood.