Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Results Are In

It has been a roller-coaster week, but it seems that my efforts are paying off. My tweeting/Facebook girl and I have spent some major time together; and the best news is that, she PASSED! She didn't tell me, but she took my advise. And.... she is getting this whole "why do you say this doesn't make any sense" thing, because she brought the same thing to me that I gave back to her months ago with the comment, "I know you think that I am just being picky, but this just doesn't make any sense". She took a big breath and said, "You know, this just doesn't make any sense now."

Hallelujah, sweet mother of pearl! Pass the truffles and wine. I think that we are making progress! I smiled. Unfortunately, I still really really hate my job. I guess every cloud has a silver lining coupled with a lightning bolt that will smack the crap out of you.

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