Monday, October 12, 2009

Of Green Peppercorn Chicken and Pee Wee Corn

I have a wonderful bistro-type chicken dish that I make with fennel, crimini mushrooms, onions, garlic, and chicken. I saute the veggies in evoo until just tender, remove from the pan; add more evoo and a few TBLS of bacon fat and brown the chicken that has been dredged in flour and a variety of my favorite spices. I crank up the convection oven to 420. Once the chicken is well browned I add the veggies back, pour in enough good dry white wine, about ten crushed and chopped green peppercorns, top with five freshly cut stems of rosemary, and throw the skillet into the oven.

I normally serve with mashed and fresh green beans, but my dear one has an affection for small cans of kernelled corn--thus named Pee Wee. As in, "Wher'd dis corn come from? Someone check Pee Wee drawer!" I think his love of canned corn has to be resident in his mid-western genes. I can't recall any good use for the stuff, other than to have a can on hand to add texture to cornbread. On the nights I opt for fresh veggies and salad, he is happy with Pee Wee. I guess that's what keeps me coming back for more--could it get any easier?

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